Nutrition and Weight Loss | Health and Longevity
It's what we all want to function at our optimal level.
It is important to address the underlying cause of disease, using a total body approach, not just an isolated set of symptoms. A patient centered focus is a paradigm shift from our current health care model of disease. It is necessary to engage the patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership to effect the most change. At Embody Health Chiropractic, we focus on addressing the root cause using comprehensive, individualized care. If you are looking for an increase in energy, mental focus and clarity, absence of disease, then the FirstLine Therapy program can help.
It's Science!
FirstLine Therapy is based on extensive scientific research demonstrating that many of the chronic diseases associated with aging can be prevented or even treated by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Common Conditions that may be supported
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Blood sugar dysregulation (Diabetes)
High Cholesterol
Heartburn/Gastric Reflux
Excessive Common Colds

Nutrition and Lifestyle
Illness does not have to be a normal part of aging. Firstline therapy is a lifestyle and dietary modification program. We will be working with you hand in hand to help you reach your goals.
FirstLine Therapy Components
Your personalized program includes
Initial testing and follow-up testing
Individual consultations
Your personal FirstLine Therapy guidebook
Weekly visits for lifestyle counseling
Nutritional product recommendations